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Three of the best VR headsets

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Three of the best VR headsets

01 July 2019,   By ,   0 Comments
vr headsets

Well within the last decade we have seen VR advance the modern technological era. Poor adapters have criticised this incredible technology but settle down and think about what it can do.

The apps alone can aid the day to day running of many businesses, communications could be revolutionised. Think about the carbon footprint saving alone! Anyway, that’s a different article.

Here’s our view on the best headsets on the market today:

Oculus Quest

The very first of its kind, as a fully featured and absolute standalone VR headset. The quality and immersive feel to the unique experience provided is second to none. Immerse yourself into a virtual world where interaction is seamless and intuitiveness adorns.

Along with being standalone it’s easy to get in to the VR world with this headset, it saves on space and makes for sure fire entertainment. The battery averages around 3 hours and that’s plenty of time to enjoy this headset.

HTC Vive Pro

This is some serious heavy kit and you’ll need at least a five-metre-square space to fully enjoy this one, it is well worth it. The HTC Vive Pro is pricey for a reason, it offers high-quality and an enriched visual experience. No glitches or smudges just high-resolution in a VR world.

There is a wireless adaptor available for this piece of kit, it’s the most advanced on the market in our eyes. It can take a bit of tinkering between games but is well worth the wait. An utter immersive VR experience.

PlayStation VR

An excellent headset to throw you into the realms of VR, not the most advanced headset but holds its own. Why? Mostly because of the wide range of games available.

The PS VR experience is all about fun and enjoyment. There are glitches when compared to the more high-end headsets, but as an all-rounder within the world of VR it leads the way.

Hope the above helps in making your mind up. Whichever platform you decide to go with, we are sure you’ll have a fantastic experience within the realms of VR.

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